
Everyone has one book in them, or do they?

So, everyone has one book in them, or do they? 2020 provided many with unexpected time on their hands. Those lucky enough to be furloughed found themselves without the worry of loss of income and with time. After endless lockdowns, life has now returned to something resembling the time before Covid, but not quite.

There is a lot of chatter online at the moment about how some people want to become time millionaires. So, some people are swapping a better-paid job for one with less income but more time.

Time to write that novel

Hours people spent commuting have, in some instances, been replaced with working from home. This has led to more time to pursue other interests outside work. One ambition many of us harbour is to write a book. But how realistic is it?

Writing groups and using social media

One way to help people connect with others who share their desire to write is to join a local group. There are many groups if you know where to look. You could start on social media or take the plunge and join a writers workshop or course.

Local arts centres for writing

If you search to find your local arts centre, there may be courses offering short story writing, novel writing, and the exciting world of flash fiction. Joining one of these groups could give you the motivation and discipline you need to get started on writing your novel.

Writing success from a writers group

Gail Honeyman’s Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine began life in a local writer’s group. Honeyman was a guest on Open Book a couple of years ago discussing how important her writing group became to the development of her novel.

When you want to write it can be daunting and many of us wonder if we are good enough? Do we have a distinct writer’s voice? Sometimes it can be hard to engage with other people even if they are supportive. If you want some help without meeting up with others there are options.

Free writing resources and inspiration

The National Centre for Writing has lots of free resources including renowned authors sharing their writing process including the excellent Eimer McBride. There’s also Reedsy and many others.

Writing can be lonely, but it doesn’t have to be. Take the plunge – you won’t regret it.

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